Instead of having to go take out cash and find a cash retailer in your area, you can now buy bitcoin using your debit card from the ATM at many convenient locations including CVS and Walgreens.
The process is very similar to using an ATM to withdraw cash, except instead of receiving cash at the end of the transaction, we will send you bitcoin digitally. You even get a similar ATM receipt at the end!
Required for all transactions: Download our app and create your free LibertyX account to get started.
How to buy bitcoin with debit card (no credit cards)
Step by Step Purchasing Instructions:
- In app: Select "Start purchase" after logging into your LibertyX account.
- Copy / paste your bitcoin wallet address or scan its QR code.
- Select the desired ATM location in-app to generate your 6-digit LibertyX order number
- On ATM: Press any key on the ATM to display purchase options and select LibertyX
- Enter your LibertyX order number from step 3.
- Enter your purchase amount.
- Insert your debit card (CREDIT CARDS NOT ACCEPTED).
- Enter your debit card's PIN #.
- Select Checking or Savings
- Bitcoin is sent!
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